React Suspense and Concurrent Mode: Revolutionizing Asynchronous Rendering

Mohamed Eltahawy
Nov 11, 2023
2 min read
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The React team introduced two groundbreaking features, Suspense and Concurrent Mode, to enhance the handling of asynchronous operations and improve the overall user experience. Together, they represent a significant leap forward in how React applications manage and display data.

#Understanding React Suspense

React Suspense is a mechanism that allows components to "suspend" rendering while waiting for some asynchronous operation to complete, such as data fetching or code splitting. This enables more graceful handling of loading states and improves the perceived performance of applications.

Basic Usage of Suspense

// DataFetcher.js import React, { Suspense } from 'react'; const fetchData = () => { // Simulating a delay in data fetching return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve('Fetched data!'), 2000)); }; const DataComponent = React.lazy(() => fetchData().then((data) => ({ default: () =>


}))); const DataFetcher = () => { return ( Loading...

); }; export default DataFetcher;

In this example, React.lazy is used to load the DataComponent lazily. The Suspense component is wrapped around it, providing a fallback UI (<p>Loading...</p>) to display while the data is being fetched.

#Introducing React Concurrent Mode

React Concurrent Mode is a set of new features that help React apps stay responsive and gracefully adjust to the user's device capabilities and network speed. It enables React to interrupt rendering to work on high-priority updates and then come back to less urgent updates.

Concurrent Mode Example

// ConcurrentApp.js import React, { Suspense } from 'react'; const fetchData = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve('Fetched data!'), 2000)); }; const DataComponent = React.lazy(() => fetchData().then((data) => ({ default: () =>


}))); const ConcurrentApp = () => { return ( Loading...


React Concurrent Mode Example

); }; export default ConcurrentApp;

Here, Concurrent Mode is enabled by default in React 18, allowing for smoother user interactions and improved performance.

#Benefits of Suspense and Concurrent Mode

  • Improved User Experience: Suspense and Concurrent Mode work together to create a more responsive and seamless user experience, especially when dealing with asynchronous operations.

  • Declarative Data Fetching: With Suspense, data fetching can be more declarative and component-centric, making it easier to manage and reason about.

  • Optimized Rendering: Concurrent Mode ensures that React can adjust its rendering priorities, optimizing for a smoother user experience and responsiveness.


React Suspense and Concurrent Mode represent a significant step forward in the world of React development. They empower developers to handle asynchronous operations more elegantly and enhance the performance of their applications. As you explore these features, you'll find new ways to make your React applications more dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly. Embrace the future of React with Suspense and Concurrent Mode. Happy coding!

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